We are dedicated to providing rare diseases patients with access to orphan drugs
Americans suffering from rare diseases are no less deserving of effective treatment options than those suffering from more common conditions.

Our Mission

Medunik USA is dedicated to providing Americans suffering from rare diseases with access to orphan drugs that are not currently available in the U.S.
Our Values
Medunik USA abides by the highest standards of excellence, innovation, integrity and collaboration.
These values are what have earned Medunik USA the respect, trust and support of stakeholders in the medical community worldwide.

Guided by our commitment to continuous improvement, efficiency and safety, we add value to everything we do daily. We are results-oriented and constantly monitor our progress, always with deep concern for quality, health and respect for professional standards.
Every decision we make is guided by our unwavering commitment to honesty, openness and transparency.
Proud of the products we offer, we never stop innovating and invest in research and development in order to present new and better treatment options to improve health of women and their family members at every stage of life.
Collaboration amongst our employees, partners and suppliers is key to our success. By leveraging our ideas, talents, expertise, and common strengths, we contribute to improving the patient’s well-being.

Where It
Medunik USA is part of the Duchesnay group of pharmaceutical companies headquartered in Blainville, Quebec, Canada.
In 2009, the group launched Medunik Canada to bring orphan drugs to Canadians with rare diseases.
How It’s
In 2017, Medunik USA was launched to bring orphan drugs to the U.S. market to provide Americans with rare diseases with the life-changing and potentially life-saving treatment options they deserve.
Corporate Compliance and Ethical Responsibilities
Compliance with all laws, regulations, company policies and other best practices applicable to the organization by all Medunik USA employees is critical to Medunik USA’s professional standards and corporate success. Medunik USA’s Compliance Program incorporates the fundamental elements addressed within the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers”.